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Symbol Symbol (ASCII) Symbol (written) IPA Pronounciation (followed by vowel or in extended writing) (anglicized)
3 3 /mi/ "me"
w w ധ/Ѡ /wa/ /w/ "wah"
ʍ m /ma/ /m/ "ma"
ɾ r /ɾi/ or /ɹi/ /ɾ/ or /ɹ/ "ree"
p p ꕊ/⅄ /pə/ /p/ "puh"
} } そ/Ⳉ/Ⲝ /xi/ /x/ "hee"
{ or x { or x ഢ/Ⲙ /θʉ/ /θ/ "thoo"
b b Կ /bi/ /b/ "bee"
c c /ʃi/ /ʃ/ "she"
n /ɲɐ/ /ɲ/ "nya"
d d Զ /də/ /d/ "duh"
к k /kɛ/ /k/ "keh"
g /ɢɑ/ /ɢ/ "gah"
s s /sɛ/ /s/ "seh"
l l /lɵ/ /l/ "low"
h h /hə/ /h/ "huh"
t 𝓩 /ti/ /t/ "tea"
φ f ન/⏆/⍭ /fi/ /f/ "fee"
ȷ j /ʝa/ /ʝ/ "ya"
q q /ʐi/ , /ʒi/ , /ʤi/ /ʐ/ , /ʒ/ , /ʤ/ "jee"
ƨ z /ðɛ/ /ð/ "the"
v v /βɔ/ /β/ "vo"
' or | ' or | N/A [discards vowels following a consonant in non-extended writing]


Symbol Symbol (ASCII) Symbol (written) IPA Pronounciation (anglicized)
ω o Ծ/Ձ /ɒ/ "oh"
ε e ᖍ/Ⴀ/Ԏ /ε/ "eh"
ı i /i/ "ee"
υ u ૪/Ի /u/ "oo"
ʌ a Λ/⋏ /ɑ/ "ah"
Transliteration examples
Maria="ʍɾıʌ" or "ʍʌɾıʌ"
Sahara="shɾʌ" or "sʌhʌɾʌ"
London="lᲘ|dᲘ|" or "lωᲘdωᲘ"


Symbol Symbol (written) Usage/Purpose
: or ' Denotes beginning of a sentence.
; or , Used to iterate through items/ideas.
>: or >' Denotes beginning of an emotional sentence, either angry or encouraging.
?: or ¿: or ?' Denotes beginning of an inquisitive sentence, or a sentence implying uncertainty.
<: or <' Denotes beginning of an welcoming, happy, or excited sentence.

Note: the extended spelling is the recommended spelling, as it is easier to read and type. The default spelling can be used to be more cryptic.

Sentence order is Subject-Verb-Object. Adjectives are placed after what they describe.

A CV(N) syllable structure is also recommended. (Consonant, Vowel, optional Nasal)


Spelling Spelling (ASCII) Spelling (extended) Spelling (extended, ASCII) Definition
†ε te †ε te important, or previously discussed, object, entity or concept
pʍ| pm| pυʍ pum and
ɾωᲘ ron ɾωᲘ ron or
Იω no Იω no but, except for
ɾʌ ra ɾʌ ra is contained or located in
pɾʌ pra pʌɾʌ para intended for a person/purpose, compared to
de de is part of, belongs to
ↄωᲘ gon ↄωᲘ gon on, at
hυbʌ huba hυbʌ huba over, above, exceeding
wυbʌ wuba wυbʌ wuba under, below
φʌbʌ faba φʌbʌ faba over, above, exceeding
cʌbʌ caba cʌbʌ caba under, below
†ʌʍbʌ tamba †ʌʍbʌ tamba next to, adjacent to
†ʌbʌ taba †ʌbʌ taba near
кʌbʌ kaba кʌbʌ kaba far


Spelling Spelling (ASCII) Spelling (extended) Spelling (extended, ASCII) Definition
w w wa inanimate
li li animate, first-person
3d 3d 3dʌ 3da animate, second-person
da da animate, third-person
ɾεdʌ reda ɾεdʌ reda reflexive pronoun to refer to afformentioned subjects


Definition Close to speaker Close to speaker (extended) Far from speaker Far from speaker (extended) Question Question (extended)
this/that (noun) †ʌᲘω tano †ʌᲘω tano кʌᲘω kano кʌᲘω kano sωᲘω sono sωᲘω sono
this/that (adjective) †ʌᲘı tani †ʌᲘı tani кʌᲘı kani кʌᲘı kani sωᲘı soni sωᲘı soni
this/that (direction) †ʌ†υ tatu †ʌ†υ tatu кʌ†υ katu кʌ†υ katu sω†υ sotu sω†υ sotu
here/there †ʌw taw †ʌwʌ tawa кʌw kaw кʌwʌ kawa sωw sow sωwʌ sowa
such/what kind †ʌl tal †ʌlω talo кʌl kal кʌlω kalo sωl sol sωlω solo
now/then †ʌ} ta} †ʌ}ı ta}i кʌ} ka} кʌ}ı ka}i sω} so} sω}ı so}i
why/because †υᲘ| tun| †υᲘ tun N/A sυᲘ| sun| sυᲘ sun
how †ʌc tac †ʌcı taci N/A sʌc sac sʌcı saci


Spelling Spelling (ASCII) Spelling (extended) Spelling (extended, ASCII) Amount
wᲘω wno wʌᲘω wano 1
dwo dwo dυwo duwo 2
†εɾω tero †εɾω tero 3
кʌɾω karo кʌɾω karo 4
bʍω bmo bıʍω bimo 5
cкω cko cıкω ciko 6
sbω sbo sεbω sebo 7
wωᲘ|†ω won|to wωᲘ†ω wonto 8
ᲘıᲘ|†ω nin|to ᲘıᲘ†ω ninto 9
-кω -ko -кω -nko non-zero number in tens' place, 0 in ones' place
dıᲘ|- din|- dıᲘ- din- 1 in tens' place, non-zero number in ones' place

Building Blocks

Spelling Spelling (ASCII) Spelling (extended) Spelling (extended, ASCII) Definition
-sʌ -sa -sʌ -sa plural
-lυ -lu -lυ -lu agent noun for "person"
-r -ɾı -ri agent noun for "place"/"event"
-p -p -pʌ -pa possesive (my, mine, yours, ...)
-dυφεᲘ| -dufen| -dυφεᲘ -dufen entity or device that performs the action (-ifier, -inator)
-φε -fe -φε -fe opposer of, against
-lᲘ|кı -ln|ki -lωᲘкı -lonki field of knowledge, study of
-φʌl -fal -φʌlω -falo manner of speech
-s -s -sε -se feminine
-k -кε -ke androgynous-feminine
-кʌ -ka -кʌ -ka androgynous
-кı -ki -кı -ki androgynous-masculine
-c -c -cı -ci masculine
-d -d -dʌ -da past tense
-Იε -ne -Იε -ne present tense
-l -l -lω -lo future tense
-ƨı -zi -ƨı -zi indefinite tense
-j -ȷʌ -ja for verbs - incompleteness ("yet", "so far")
-кυ -ku -кυ -ku uncertain, questioning
-кυкʌ -kuka -кυкʌ -kuka questioning (politely)
-dω -do -dω -do imperative ("should")
-ȷlʌ -jla -ȷʌlʌ -jala able or capable of
3ɾε- 3re- ʍıɾε- mire- half of, in the middle of, average
ↄɾʌ- gra- ↄʌɾʌ- gara- all, everything
cωкω- coko- cωкω- coko- some, a selection of
bωɾω- boro- bωɾω- boro- any
Იı- ni- Იı- ni- negation (not); exclusion (other than)
ʍω- mo- ʍω- mo- inversion (opposite of)
wυ- wu- wυ- wu- denotes positive connotation
dı- di- dı- di- denotes negative connotation
dεȷ- dej- dεȷʌ- deja- like "-doing"
-bʌᲘı -bani -bʌᲘı -bani ordinality ("-th", "-rd", "-nd", "-st")
-ɾʌ -ra -ɾʌ -ra converts word to an adjective
-кıᲘ| -kin| -кıᲘ -kin converts word to a noun
-wᲘ| -wn| -wʌᲘ -wan superlative ("-est", "the most")


Spelling Spelling (ASCII) Spelling (extended) Spelling (extended, ASCII) Definition
3 3 3 3 cute (exclamation)
ʍı mi ʍı mi cute (adjective)
n Იʌ na hi
hᲘl hnl hεᲘlω henlo hello
к k кε ke confirmation, acknowledgement
кωᲘ|bʌ kon|ba кωᲘbʌ konba goodbye
sıʍ sim sıʍ sim yes
nεn| nen| nεn nen no
sʌᲘυ sanu sʌᲘυ sanu to be; is
dj dεȷʌ deja action, task, active
ↄd gd ↄʌdε gade guess
bwε bwe bıwε biwe thanks
dısı†ʌ disita dısı†ʌ disita bad
wυsı†ʌ wusita wυsı†ʌ wusita good
†ωɾʌᲘsυ toransu †ωɾʌᲘsυ toransu different, other
ʍw mw ʍʌwʌ mawa kiss
}} }} }ı}ı }i}i laughter
кʌs kas кʌsε kase cat
hᲘ| hn| hυᲘ hun dog
кıᲘsυ kinsu кıᲘsυ kinsu fox
lυʍ lum lυʍʌ luma human
lυʍкʌp lumkap lυʍʌкʌpʌ lumakapa sibling
кʌwpı kawpi кʌwʌpı kawapi water
bᲘ|tʌ bn|ta bıᲘtʌ binta eat
lᲘ|3 ln|3 lʌᲘʍı lanmi food
кsω kso кɛsω keso cheese
†ωpı topi †ωpı topi God, Diety
lυʍbʌ lumba lυʍʌbʌ lumaba friend
dwυ dwu dʌwυ dawu day
Ი†υ ntu Იʌ†υ natu night
sωʍω somo sωʍω somo sleep
†εᲘ|cω ten|co †εᲘcω tenco to have; posess
wᲘ†υ wntu wʌᲘ†υ wantu number, amount
cosı cosi cosı cosi vote, choice
lıᲘ|w lin|w lıᲘwʌ linwa language
φʌl fal φʌlω falo talk, speech, discussion, chat
†εʍ|p tem|p †εʍpυ tempu time
cωᲘ| con| cωᲘ con soon
cкωᲘ|d ckon|d cıкωᲘdυ cikondu second
3Იεd 3ned 3Იεdυ 3nedu minute
}ʌwεrυ }aweru }ʌwεrυ }aweru hour
dwυ dwu dʌwυ dawu day
Ი†υ ntu Იʌ†υ natu night
ʍυɾıᲘυ murinu ʍυɾıᲘυ murinu morning
εbᲘıᲘ|кυ ebnin|ku εbεᲘıᲘкυ ebeninku evening
ʍωᲘd mond ʍωᲘʌdυ monadu month
sıcωᲘυ siconu sıcωᲘυ siconu season
wɾυ wru wʌɾυ waru year
dıwɾυ diwru dıwʌɾυ diwaru decade
hwɾυ hwru hυwʌɾυ huwaru century
Იεwɾυ newru Იεwʌɾυ newaru millenium; eternity, never
Იε} ne} Იε} ne} mind
pεᲘ pen pεᲘ pen movement
ᲘεpεᲘ nepen ᲘεpεᲘ nepen feeling, thought
sкısω skiso sεкısω sekiso sexual intercourse, sexual attraction
ↄυɾʌ† gurat ↄυɾʌ†ı gurati free (unpriced)
lıφε†ʌ lifeta lıφε†ʌ lifeta free (liberty)
кυʍı kumi кυʍı kumi transgender
ʍυᲘ mun ʍυᲘʌ muna egg; closeted
ȷlʌ jla ȷʌlʌ jala ability
3sυ 3su 3sυ 3su liquid
lυφ luf lυφı lufi gas
†εᲘ| ten| †εᲘ ten solid
кıᲘ| kin| кıᲘ kin thing, object
ʍε†ʌ meta ʍε†ʌ meta measurment
cωɾε core cωɾε core desire
ȷωɾε jore ȷωɾε jore need, want
lᲘ|кı ln|ki lωᲘкı lonki field of knowledge, study
hυbʌ huba hυbʌ huba overly
†ωɾı tori †ωɾı tori love, affection, kindness
Იεpε†ωɾı nepetori Იεpε†ωɾı nepetori to love
†ωbʌ toba †ωbʌ toba word
bεᲘ|cυᲘ| ben|cun| bεᲘcυᲘ bencun book
ↄυcυᲘ| gucun| ↄυcυᲘ gucun story
bεᲘ|ↄυ ben|gu bεᲘↄυ bengu storybook
ʍεl mel ʍεlω melo music
cкʌɾʌᲘ| ckaran| cıкʌɾʌᲘ cikaran physical strength
cкʌɾʌᲘεʍ| ckaranem| cıкʌɾʌᲘεʍ cikaranem mental strength
cʌᲘ|w can|w cʌᲘwʌ canwa result
wυcʌᲘ| wucan| wυcʌᲘ wucan victory
dıcʌᲘ| dican| dıcʌᲘ dican loss, defeat
bυlhʌȷı bulhaji bυlωhʌȷı bulohaji comfort, coziness, safety, euphoria
hsωᲘ| hson| hʌsωᲘ hason sound
hsωᲘ|†ωbʌ hson|toba hʌsωᲘ†ωbʌ hasontoba pronounciation
3кυ 3ku ʍıкυ miku idol (admired individual)
qʌᲘ|ƨı qan|zi qʌᲘƨı qanzi paper
cᲘ|d cn|d cıᲘdʌ cinda new
ↄυᲘ|d gun|d ↄυᲘdʌ gunda old
cᲘ|dȷıᲘ| cn|djin| cıᲘdʌȷıᲘ cindajin modern
ↄυᲘ|dȷıᲘ| gun|djin| ↄυᲘdʌȷıᲘ gundajin ancient
cᲘ|ↄυᲘ| cn|gun| cıᲘↄυᲘ cingun light in weight
qωᲘ|ↄυᲘ| qon|gun| qωᲘↄυᲘ qongun heavy in weight
cᲘ|ↄυᲘεʍ| cn|gunem| cıᲘↄυᲘεʍ cingunem simple, easy
qωᲘ|ↄυᲘεʍ| qon|gunem| qωᲘↄυᲘεʍ qongunem complex, daunting
ʌᲘωʍᲘ| anomn| ʌᲘωʍʌᲘ anoman angry, mad
†ε†ω teto †ε†ω teto big, large
cкı cki cıкı ciki small
кʌᲘcᲘ| kancn| кʌᲘʌcıᲘ kanacin sad
†ʌᲘωcᲘ| tanocn| †ʌᲘωcıᲘ tanocin happy
cʌᲘ|ↄı can|gi cʌᲘↄı cangi long (time)
dʌᲘ|ↄı dan|gi dʌᲘↄı dangi short (time)
†εᲘ|ƨʌ ten|za †εᲘƨʌ tenza tall (height)
кᲘ|кı kn|ki кεᲘкı kenki short (height)
sυc suc sυcı suci intelligent
33 33 ʍıʍı mimi adorable, incredibly cute
dʌкυᲘ| dakun| dʌкυᲘ dakun black, dark
3ɾε3ɾε 3re3re ʍıɾεʍıɾε miremire gray, desaturated
lʌȷı†ω lajito lʌȷı†ω lajito bright, white, light (color)
sυᲘ|†υ sun|tu sυᲘ†υ suntu idiot, fool
pωɾʌ pora pωɾʌ pora increase, add
3Ი 3n ʍıᲘʌ mina decrease, remove, get rid of, subtract
ʍυlıpʌ mulipa ʍυlıpʌ mulipa multiply
c|pʌᲘ c|pan cıpʌᲘ cipan divide, split
†ωbʌcυᲘ| tobacun| †ωbʌcυᲘ tobacun dictionary
ʍȷυ mju ʍʌȷυ maju very
sυɾʌᲘ|†ω suran|to sυɾʌᲘ†ω suranto same, identical
кυsω kuso кυsω kuso exciting, intriguing
cʌȷ caj cʌȷʌ caja adventure, journey
ↄωcʌ goca ↄωcʌ goca land, country
pıcʌᲘʍ| picanm| pıcʌᲘʌʍ picanam picture, image
ʍυvıᲘı muvini ʍυvıᲘı muvini move, moving
hlıᲘı hlini hʌlıᲘı halini start, beginnning, to start/begin
ʍıɾεᲘ|dıᲘı miren|dini ʍıɾεᲘdıᲘı mirendini pause, rest
ʍıɾεhlıᲘı mirehlini ʍıɾεhʌlıᲘı mirehalini continue, return
εᲘ|dıᲘı en|dini εᲘdıᲘı endini stop, halt, end
hı†Იı hitni hı†ıᲘı hitini arrive, to come, go to
cıᲘı cni cıᲘı cini leave, go from
†εᲘıᲘı tenini †εᲘıᲘı tenini stand, rise, ascend, high
plıᲘı plini pʌlıᲘı palini fall, descend, low
ɾυʍ|pıᲘı rum|pini ɾυʍpıᲘı rumpini sit
dwıᲘı dwini dʌwıᲘı dawini lie down
bυȷıᲘı bujini bυȷıᲘı bujini bend, fold, crease
bʌcᲘı bacni bʌcıᲘı bacini walk
hυɾᲘı hurni hυɾıᲘı hurini run, sprint, jog
кʌᲘıᲘı kanini кʌᲘıᲘı kanini jump, hop, leap
ɾsıᲘı rsini ɾısıᲘı risini climb
lυbᲘı lubni lυbıᲘı lubini slide
qpıᲘı qpini qıpıᲘı qipini fly, glide
φcᲘı fcni φıcıᲘı ficini swim
bωlıᲘı bolini bωlıᲘı bolini roll
кʌɾᲘı karni кʌɾıᲘı karini travel on/in a vehicle
кʌʍυvıᲘı kamuvini кʌʍυvıᲘı kamuvini push
†ʌʍυvıᲘı tamuvini †ʌʍυvıᲘı tamuvini pull
υpıʍωvıᲘı upimovini υpıʍωvıᲘı upimovini lift, raise (in height)
dωʍωvıᲘı domovini dωʍωvıᲘı domovini drop, lower
кʌwυφᲘı kawufni кʌwυφıᲘı kawufini throw
φʌwυφᲘı fawufni φʌwυφıᲘı fawufini catch
hωlıᲘı holini hωlıᲘı holini hold, posess, carry, bear
ᲘıкıᲘı nikini ᲘıкıᲘı nikini take, grab
ↄbᲘı gbni ↄʌbıᲘı gabini give, release
кυvıᲘı kuvini кυvıᲘı kuvini drag
cᲘıᲘı cnini cıᲘıᲘı cinini kick
φ†Იı ftni φı†ıᲘı fitini strike, punch
pᲘıᲘı pnini pʌᲘıᲘı panini flip
vεlɾᲘı velrni vεlωɾıᲘı velorini follow, be behind of/after
bε†Იı betni bε†ıᲘı betini lead, be in front of/before
xʌsıᲘı xasini xʌsıᲘı xasini resist (tension/pressure), oppose, decline

